You Are A Teacher, Whether You Know It Or Not

One of the things I like best about doing what I do is the endless opportunities to learn. Another thing I like best is sharing my talents and knowledge. Thus, I am forever a student and a teacher, driven by my desire to create empowering clarity.

If you are a leader, you must also be both a student and a teacher. Unfortunately, this idea doesn’t get a lot of attention. That’s why I am sharing this touching and insightful article by my friend and colleague, Constance Dierickx. To lead, you must be a student and a teacher. Here is your chance to learn from a master: My Mentor’s Death Brought His Lessons Into Stark Relief.

If you would like an introduction to Constance, an expert in high-stakes transitions such as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, CEO succession, strategic change, and crisis, let me know. I’d be happy to make the connection.

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