If Another Leader Says This, I Will Scream!

I heard it again. And I almost screamed. “I just want my employees to feel they’ve been heard.” NO YOU DON’T! You want your employees to BE heard! Not to FEEL heard!

“Being heard” isn’t about them, it’s about YOU! You need to ask and then listen. When you hear good questions, you need to answer. When you hear good advice, you need to take it or explain why you can’t. When you hear complaints, you need to respond with more questions and see what you can do to resolve the problem. When you hear good ideas, you need to pursue them.

I’ve witnessed too many situations where employees poured their hearts out – ideas, desires, and fears. The bosses practically patted them on the back. Treating them like children. And then did nothing!!

I’ve got news for you. Employees aren’t stupid. You can treat them like this once. Maybe. But when nothing comes of it, you’ve blown your cover. They know your concern is a sham. They won’t be so eager to help next time. Or ever again.

And then someday, you’ll be one of those leaders who ask me why it’s so hard to get employees to be more engaged and more committed.

Treat your employees like the partners they are. Don’t ask questions unless you really want answers. The goal is to make better decisions together, not to grant them an opportunity to vent that makes you feel like you’ve given them something.

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