Will We Finally Figure Out Work/Life Balance?

A longtime friend of mine retired at the end of last year. That feels like an eternity ago given that our world has been turned upside down, doesn’t it? Jane is one of the people who is actually kind of enjoying the pandemic, if you can say that of anyone. It’s prevented her from throwing herself into a lot of activities that might have filled her initial retirement life. Instead, she is sleeping, walking, cooking, and reading more than she has in five decades. “It’s such a luxury!” she says.

Think about that. What does it say about our world? Sleeping, walking, cooking, and reading are luxuries? Maybe, post-pandemic, we will finally figure out how to create more work/life balance. Whether you are a super successful vice president of a terrific company with operations all over the world like Jane or pounding out software as she did when she started out, I don’t think sleeping, getting exercise, cooking, and reading should be luxuries.

I hope you are finding ways to enjoy yourself during these crazy times. My heart goes out to those of you who are working around the clock, those of you caring for the sick, and those of you risking your lives in essential jobs. I wish you the best!

Stay safe! We will get through this! Call me if you need me. 603-784-5727

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