Uncommon Clarity® Through the Eyes of Others – Richard Simpson

Since taking Ann’s workshop, the quality and effectiveness of my group meetings have increased significantly.  Not only do we have more meaningful discussions on the most relevant topics, but we are able to consistently adhere to the allotted time. Because the entire group participated in the same workshop, we are all aligned on expectations, such as what level of preparation is expected prior to the meeting, basic accountability and responsibility expectations, and proper meeting protocol.  This makes for more effective meetings and a high functioning team.

The benefits of the workshop go far beyond meeting effectiveness; they provide a framework for managers and leaders to deliver specific, constructive feedback, coaching, and mentoring of employees.  For example, after attending a few meetings with my group I noticed that one of my technical leads was challenged at making decisions based on her experience and expertise.  Under normal circumstances, this would have been masked by all the noise. This weakness became evident once expectations, roles, and responsibilities were established.  With this revelation, I was able to provide the proper coaching and career development training that my employee needed to build confidence in this area. I’ve seen significant improvements in her decision quality over the past several months as a result.

Ann’s approach is different because it focuses on the specific team instead of repeating general concepts.  The team members get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses as they relate to team group dynamics. With this approach the team continues to improve efficiency long after the training is over.

I would definitely recommend Ann’s workshop for any team that is about to embark on a short or long term project. Her main focus is on creating specificity and clarity; clarity in expectations, roles, responsibilities, and communication. This level of clarity is critical to forming a high functioning team.

Richard Simpson, Sr. Engineering Manager, Research and Development, Medtronic

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