The Obligatory New Year’s Advice

January 1st is the day when you probably expect some pithy little gem of clarity that will make your business excel in 2019. Or maybe you are hoping for a quick tip on how this year’s New Year’s Resolutions can become success stories instead of fading wishes.

Well, I am going to break with tradition. Instead of talking about your business or telling you how to make your resolutions succeed, I’m going to tell you what I think you should resolve to do!

First, my reasons:

  1. “Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.” I don’t know who said that first, but it is totally true. It creeps up on you. You may be lots younger than I am, but I’ve got news for you: It is creeping up on you too. Next thing you know, the people around you who are obviously getting older, won’t necessarily be any older than you are.
  2. We are creatures of habit and the sooner you establish habits that make and keep you healthy, the better.
  3. If you want to be able to keep moving, you need to keep moving. Children tumble, roll, cartwheel, and climb. Adults mostly sit and walk. And most of that walking is on hard flat surfaces. Such limited motion ensures future limited motion. As a nation, we are too sedentary. We have too many reasons to sit and many studies show that sitting is as bad for you as smoking in terms of life expectancy.

Thus, I propose you resolve to be more active in 2019. You only have one life and you are stuck with you until the end.

First, you have to care. Do you?

Second, you have to identify very specific new habits that you plan to adopt. These can range from trying a new sport or taking salsa lessons to parking at the far end of every parking lot and taking the stairs instead of elevator.

Third, you need to identify triggers to help you establish these new habits. And if those fail, you need to find new triggers. Signing up with a partner will increase the odds of attending those lessons. A desire to please your Fitbit will remind you to take the stairs and park far away, both of which are easier than the alternative: running up and down the steps in your house while brushing your teeth and jogging in place while watching Netflix.

I’m a fervent supporter of an active lifestyle and have made huge changes in my life to increase my daily activity. It is possible I care more about your health than you do. Now that would be sad!

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