The Most Anti-climactic Day of my Life

Let me tell you about perhaps the most anti-climactic day of my life.

After looking forward to the release of The Power of Clarity for more than a year, publication day finally arrived.

But you know what? Not much happened.

There were no cymbal crashes. No thunderclaps. Sure a bunch of people contacted me with great enthusiasm when their copies arrived on time from Amazon. Others posted pictures of the book on social media. Friends threw me a party. (The pandemic prevented a big launch event.) But the disclarity that is killing productivity, preventing empowerment, and undermining the specificity and confidence needed to cruise with confidence did not suddenly die. Nope. It is still there. Eating your profits, patience, performance, and passion.

I’ve written about clarity, what it is, where it is missing, and the tremendous opportunity it represents in over 700 articles over 17 years. I don’t expect a miracle just because my new book is out. Nonetheless, The Power of Clarity: Unleash the True Potential of Workplace Productivity, Confidence, and Empowerment is my greatest effort to date. I lay it all out for the world to read. This is my legacy. I truly believe its messages and techniques can make your organization thrive. I believe it can improve your life. And I believe it can make the world a far better place.

If you have been reading my newsletters and articles, I hope you can see the incredible potential of greater clarity. If you can’t, I believe—I hope—my new book does the trick. Imagine increasing productivity by a factor of two–or even four. Imagine feeling confident and ultra-productive many more hours of every day. Imagine maximizing the contributions and enthusiasm of every single employee. Imagine short and powerful meetings. Imagine less frustration caused by power, politics, and problem personalities. Imagine the day when everything doesn’t “take longer than it should.” Imagine cognitive uptimes as high as production uptimes.

If you are a believer, I hope you will join the cause. I hope you will become an avid clarity advocate. There are lots of ways to do that. Buy copies of the book for yourself and your team (bulk discounts available) and discuss it chapter by chapter. Recommend it to your colleagues and friends. Post a review on Amazon. Post a picture of yourself and/or the book along with your impressions on social media. Invite me to speak to your organization or to appear on your podcast. You probably have even better ideas. Don’t do it for me; do it for the sake of clarity.

It is time to harness the power of clarity. As individuals, organizations, communities, and as a country. We will all benefit. Guaranteed! Please help me get the message out. We can’t expect cymbals and thunderclaps, but we can expect steadily increasing clarity and the amazing benefits it offers.

For more information about my book, visit:

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