Specificity Matters

I had a wonderful time with clients in California recently. We were working on anticipating and preventing problems, a frequently neglected skill that can save companies millions and millions.

It was a joy to watch them recognize how small distinctions in how you describe a problem shift the entire meaning.

How describing the problem to others and discussing impact can drive vital refinement.

How staying away from tangential discussions about cause and solutions is essential for ensuring the problems end up well defined.

And how using a shared vocabulary and carefully distinguishing among immediate problems, recurring problems, and systemic problems helps us learn more about the issues and ensures all three levels get the attention they deserve.

Does your team have the tools, techniques, and habits needed to anticipate and prevent problems so you can avoid unpleasant surprises and downright catastrophes?

If not, think about how much money you could save! Think about where this should sit on your priority list for 2020.

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