Did You Seize The Day?

I hope you took advantage of the opportunity last month to download a free Kindle version of my book, The Clarity Papers. If you did, don’t forget to check it out!

The biggest problem with e-books is they tend to disappear, tucked safely away in an electronic folder, forgotten. Want to know what I do about that? I like to quickly peruse enough of new e-books to determine which ones I am likely to reference again and again. Those are the ones I want in hard copy sitting in reach of my desk where I will see them and remember to use them. There are two types of books that never hit my desk top: compelling fiction that I can barely put down and business books featuring an interesting concept or two easily digested by about the second chapter. The first has a hold on me until the final page. The second is no loss if lost.

If you grabbed a copy and read part of it, I would love to hear your immediate reactions:

  • What section did you turn to first?
  • What did you find to be immediately useful?
  • What are you doing differently today because of something you read in The Clarity Papers?

Please let me know in the comments below. I always like to hear what works for my readers!

If you grabbed a copy and it has already been buried, dig it out. Check the Table of Contents and see if there are any areas that could help you and your organization thrive. Do that quick run through and see if The Clarity Papers deserves a spot near your desk.

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