Check Your Self-Limiting Beliefs At The Door!

In a recent article of mine, “This Is Your Only Life. Are You Putting Yourself First?,” I encourage you to put yourself first because doing so not only makes you healthier mentally, physically, and emotionally, but it also makes you more productive and effective.

One reader responded by saying the ideas were nice and simple in theory, but not realistic. He blamed the “work landscape” for making them impossible. I thought that reaction might be quite common and, thus, worthy of discussion.

There are three problems with this reader’s response:

His answer was classic, “Yes, but …”

  • He blamed others, a habit that ensures a life-long subscription to victimhood.’
  • He is letting his self-limiting beliefs slam the door on the multitude of options we all have in our lives.
  • “Yes, but …” puts an end to listening and learning. Instead of looking for ways to make something work, you start searching for reasons why it won’t.

laming others is an abdication of responsibility for your own life. There are always choices. If you choose to maintain the status quo, at least be honest about it. “I’d like to be healthier. I agree that it might make me more effective. But I am _________ .” Fill in the blank yourself. Possibilities might include afraid, unwilling to risk a change, or, maybe, lazy.

As for self-imposed limitations, nothing is more crippling. So let’s revisit putting yourself first.

Do you really believe these suggestions are out of your reach? I don’t know how you spend your day, but I know you have more options than you realize.

If you aren’t regularly taking your vacation time, do so. It’s yours. Use it.

If you don’t try new things occasionally, it’s time. Vacation somewhere you’ve never been. Read books that carry you away and expose you to lives, history, and cultures distant from your experience to date. Find an activity in your community you dismissed long ago and give it a try. The next time you are out walking the dog or riding in an elevator, plane, or bus, introduce yourself to someone with whom you’ve never talked and start a conversation. The more different they are from you, the better! Tell them a crazy thought leader on LinkedIn told you to get out of your rut!

When you get stuck or bogged down, take a walk around the block. You’ll accomplish more during that walk than sitting still and slogging nowhere. Need to meet with someone? How about walking around the block together while you talk? The movement and the different environment will do you both some good.

Look for every opportunity to get more exercise. Park far from the door. Take the stairs and avoid the elevators. Jog in place while watching TV and brushing your teeth.

Last, but not least, turn the TV off an hour earlier and go to bed.

These, of course, are some of the simplest options. You could also take more drastic measures that might be really, really good for you. Measures like quitting your job or changing your career.

But every one of these ideas, from the simplest on up, requires you to quit saying “Yes, but…” You must take charge of your own life. Figure out what really matters to you. And examine the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you in your rut! You only have one life. Use it wisely!

Ann Latham is an expert on the transformative power of strategic clarity and author of The Clarity Papers. Download a free copy of The Clarity Quiz Collection from her website.

This article first appeared on Forbes, August 26th, 2018

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