Captain of Your Own Ship

CEO or last bottle washer, you will perform your best and be happiest if you are captain of your own ship! Master of your fate! This is true for everyone, at every level of your company.

Granted, some people’s ships are bigger than others but in every case, we are all at our best – proudest, most motivated, happiest, and most successful – when captain of our own ship – when we know what we are about and can control our fate.

But you can’t be captain if you don’t know you have “a ship” and understand what constitutes “your ship.” And you don’t want to be an organization of pirates, even well intentioned pirates, who commandeer ships on whim. 

Help each of your employees set sail with confidence by working with them to clarify their responsibilities and the boundaries within which they must operate:

  • What outcomes do I own?
  • With whom must I work to achieve those outcomes and what are our respective roles?
  • What decisions can I make, must I make, and must I cede?
  • What rules of engagement govern those with whom I work and me?
  • How is my success measured?

Clear, firm boundaries are not limiting; quite the opposite. Firm boundaries set us free. Free to take responsibility, make decisions, and act with confidence.

Of course, it is also critical for all of the ships of an organization to be heading in the same direction. Thus, employees must also know:

  • Where are we headed?
  • What are our top priorities?
  • What does success look like?
  • What is my role in helping us get there?

A clear destination, coupled with clear roles and responsibilities, launches strong ships and prevents the flotilla from breaking up or getting lost. Can your employees answer the questions above? Do their answers jive with yours and those of other employees? Are you all headed in the same direction?

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