This Month’s Clarity Award Goes to …

When I answered the door, the FedEx driver was hanging back, hoping I would appear. She had already put my package between the two doors. I opened the storm door to thank her.  

“I noticed that UPS left a package by the garage.”

I thanked her and let her know I really appreciate her taking the time to bring packages to the door.

“I’d hate to see them get wet or blow away,” she said, looking up at our gutters.

I thanked her again. By then I was holding the package she brought in my hand.

“Look at that! By your thumb! It says we promised a Wednesday delivery. Today is only Tuesday. I’m early! Pretty good, eh?”

Hard not to smile. What a great ambassador for FedEx. In a few friendly, casual words she pointed out everything great about FedEx while helping me notice and overcome UPS’ short-comings. For that, I give The Clarity Award to FedEx. This woman knows that her deliveries and behavior are important. She knows that relationships matter. Last, but not least, she knows UPS is the competition to beat. I wish I had asked her name because she is still making me smile!

Wish your priorities were this clear to your employees? Give me a call at 800-527-0087.

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