The Urban Experiment, Part 10: Possibilities

IMG_0629 When we launched this experiment – sold our house and got rid of a significant portion of our things – we were amazed by the possibilities open to us. Having lived in the country, small towns, and the suburbs, our Urban Experiment was driven by the need to try the one place we had never lived: the center of a city. We are five months into our one year experiment, and though we are loving it, we can’t help but toy with the endless possibilities for the next experiment!

For example, we have never lived ON the water. It’s a possibility! Don’t you love those little flower boxes? That one might be a bit too small and rustic. But who’s to say? We’ve never tried it!

How about a different city next year? Seattle? New York? San Diego? Chicago? Portland? Why limit ourselves to the US? How about London or Athens or Oslo?

Or we could try Provence. Or Tuscany.

Or the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire.

Or maybe on a rocky shore with a view of the Atlantic within spitting distance of this incredibly fun and walkable city.

There are so many places we’ve never lived! So many places we’ve never taken the time to really explore!

The possibilities are truly amazing, especially if you think in terms of renting furnished apartments. Six months here and twelve there. The world is my oyster – whatever that means!

Stay tuned! My readers could be the first to know where the next Experiment takes us!


Read Part 11 of The Urban Experiment!


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