Pick Up the Phone!!

I need to make some changes to my website and have wanted to for about a year. I won’t go into the reasons for my inaction because that is not the point of this post.

Right now, there are three emails from three different web developers, all known to me, in my inbox. One arrived just this afternoon. One has been there for quite awhile. Since I generally keep my inbox pretty much empty, the presence of these three is evidence of desire, need, and indecision. This decision is obviously not a top priority right now, but the inbox is proof that I don’t want to put it off completely. So there they sit.

Meanwhile, three developers are missing a great opportunity. A simple phone call instead of an email would give any one of them the opportunity to hear, “Actually, I would like to talk about my website.”

But they emailed instead of calling. So there they sit.

Pick up the phone! When you write an email you are only tilting at windmills. Your written words are all guesses and you learn nothing. It takes just a few words on the phone to figure out where things stand. Why would you want to do it any other way?

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