Marketing Hypocrites or Idiots?

My hotels in Times Square and Philadelphia this past week were equally hypocritical or clueless, I’m not sure which. Both displayed similar little, green trimmed cards informing me in elegant script that the management embraces conservation and wishes to support my efforts to conserve, should I choose to do so. Towels on the floor will be replaced; hanging towels will be left to be used once again.

This little card was hanging on the only hook. There were no towel racks. Conservation wasn’t an option.

Is this stupidity or hypocrisy? Why print and display cards that make you look foolish? Those who equate luxury with throwing towels on the floor are unlikely to be impressed with the little cards. Those who are eager to conserve will only be extra irritated.

This is a classic example of jumping on a marketing bandwagon instead of developing a trustworthy brand that signifies reliable value. If you want to appeal to people who value green practices, find real ways to be green. Pretending to be green while filling the world with wet towels and little plastic cards is both hypocritical and stupid.

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