Learn From Mistakes But Don’t Relive Them

We all make mistakes. Little ones, big ones. And for many, the tendency is to replay them in our heads, especially when we should be sleeping. While this may be quite natural, it is destructive.

In many cases, we haven’t even done anything wrong. We just wish we had done something differently.
So we relive it and suffer again and again.

You can’t undo what is done. You are only human. But you can learn from it. What went wrong? What about your attitude, motivation, attention, skill, or knowledge caused you to do what you wish you had not done? Get some help sorting this out if you need to. Figure out what you can learn from the situation so that next time will be better. 
Then forget about it and move on. If it pops up, dismiss it promptly while thinking about the lesson you learned. Realize that you are a stronger person for the learning. Realize that your mistake did not change the course of history. Take a deep breath and get on to the important things in your life. Learn from your mistakes but don’t relive them.
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