Generation Nonsense

Gen X, Gen Y, the Greatest Generation – Give me a break!

Generalization X, Generalization Y, and the Greatest Generalization sounds more like it to me!

Imagine if all the energy and money devoted to trying to define and understand these generalizations, excuse me, generations, was instead spent on treating people like the individuals they are.

Times change, but no one is a generation. When people describe Gen Y to me, they certainly aren’t talking about my daughters. Nor does my nearly 90 year old father, who sends me narrated DVDs with background music that he makes from old home movies, fit the image of his generation.

You don’t hire a generation. You can’t teach a generation. You can’t get to know a generation. And it’s unfair to slap any stereotype on someone before you’ve even been introduced. It’s wrong and it’s insulting.

We know that race and gender stereotypes are inappropriate and yet we embrace generation stereotypes with writing, training, and endless discussion. Why?

It’s much more productive to simply listen, learn, and respect individuals as the individuals that they are.

What do you think? Let me know at by email.

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