Don’t Miss This Brilliant Eye Opener!


©2012 Northampton Survival Center. All Rights Reserved.

I discovered this brilliant poster at the Northampton Survival Center this evening and it could not have been more timely given the continued need for  Hurricane Sandy relief along with the many pleas for support that accompany the holiday season.

If you are worried about your donations being used appropriately, you may shy away from giving money. If you want to be as helpful as possible, you might rally your friends and collect a heap of canned goods and blankets. Or maybe you just feel better, more connected, and more invested when you turn over a big load of stuff. Writing a check seems so distant and impersonal.

Whatever your reason, a little more information could change your mind and this photo conveys that little bit of extra information brilliantly!

Eye opening, isn’t it? Has it ever occurred to you that a non-profit can do more with your money than you can?

Now before you subscribe to this as a new rule for giving, let me point out that this particular tidbit came from the Northampton Survival Center where I totally believe it is true. I have no idea how broadly this concept applies. However, I know that gifts of stuff have to be problematic, no matter how well intentioned. Ten boxes of powdered milk and two dozen cans of beans do not a blanket make!

I hope this inspires you to take a little extra time to develop a relationship with your favorite charities so you can learn how you can best help and be comfortable writing a check, if that is what is most needed.

Second, I hope this also encourages you to ask more questions and avoid assumptions. I guarantee that you do not know best more than a fraction of the time. The world is just too big and complicated. So don’t try. Focus. Acknowledge what you don’t know. Then ask, listen, and collaborate on those areas that deserve your attention.

Third, I hope this photo challenges you to create the clear and concise message that conveys either the power of a donation to your organization or the compelling value of your products.

Happy giving, collaborating, and messaging!

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