Don’t Be Like This!

wrong way signHe left me two phone messages. Probably a year or two after I called his company to ask questions about their product. So I returned his call. It’s the courteous thing to do.

I told him I no longer had any interest in the product. Couldn’t remember anything about it. Probably inquired on behalf of a client. Thank you and goodbye.

It should have been that easy, but I didn’t hang up fast enough. I guess I was still feeling courteous.

Once I gave him an opening, he broke a speed record for insulting, condescending, and passive-aggressive behavior:

  • He told me what was best for me, even though he knew nothing about me.
  • He used a derogatory description to categorize me with consultants who don’t see value in his product.
  • He told me that if I had an open mind, I would want to hear more.
  • He told me that since his company had just been acquired for big bucks, I obviously needed them.

And when I said goodbye for the last time, he said, “Thanks for having an open mind.”

Don’t be like this! Believe in the value you have to offer, but don’t try to cram it down someone’s throat while you make assumptions, judgments, and insults!

Here’s my formula:

  • Ask
  • Listen
  • Offer to help

Too bad he hasn’t already sent the materials he promised to email. If I could tell you his name and company, you would know better than to return his call!

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