Does “Slip-Sliding Away” Describe Your Week?

Feel like your weeks are slip-sliding away? Not satisfied with what you accomplish each week? The secret to a successful week is two-fold:

  1. Identify what would constitute a successful week
  2. Make it happen

If you have too many priorities, you have no priorities. You must identify the top few that will make a difference and leave you feeling satisfied with your week.

On top of that, you must protect the time you need to spend on those critical few to make measurable progress. You can’t let distractions and interruptions suck up valuable time.

Today I offer the first in a series of specific techniques to help you take control of your time, feel great about each week, and watch those weeks add up to impressive results. I suspect you will find that you already use some of the techniques, can’t make some work for you, but are propelled toward peak productivity by others.

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