Dayne-gerous and Stupid Behavior

The email was a mistake no matter how you look at it.

Sender: Dayne-gerous
– A clever way to avoid my spam filter?

Subject: Just left you a message …
– No one had.

It looked like spam. Yet the company and address below the name looked legitimate. Furthermore, it arrived while I was on the phone with another person at the same company. So I forwarded the email to my contact. Dayne got back to me with this:

“Wanted to let you know that I made a mistake. You got an email that was meant for someone else. I do apologize and you should not be getting anything else from me. Haha so, yeah, I am sorry for the email.”

There are two lessons here.

  1. I get emails accidentally every few weeks. It is easy to do and a very good reason not to be cute, stupid, angry, or rude in email. If you would be embarrassed to send your email to a customer or your boss, don’t send it at all.
  2. When you do make a mistake, don’t be cute or stupid in your apology! “Haha so, yeah, I am sorry for the email” convinced me that this company hires idiots. Why would you send that to a customer?

I sure hope your employees know better than to engage in such “dayne-gerous” ways.

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