Clarity Quiz – Whom Should I Invite to My Decision?

Let’s flip that question around. Whom shouldn’t you invite to your next decision?

  1. Those with relevant knowledge and expertise
  2. Those most affected by the decision
  3. The same old team
  4. Those with the authority to decide

Make your selection and then click here to see if you are correct!


If you chose #3, congratulations. Too often people make all the decisions with the same old team. This guarantees neither the quality of the decision, nor its acceptance. You need relevant knowledge and expertise to make a smart decision. You need to include representatives of those affected if you hope to have your decision accepted. Those affected are also likely to have relevant knowledge, of course. And it makes little sense to discuss a decision without the authority to decide.

For more details, read the article or watch the video “Whom Should I Invite to My Decision?”

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