Avoid Grumps and Whiners!

Those predisposed to pessimism have abundant evidence to justify their sense of gloom and doom these days. Optimists may even feel their positive outlook under siege. Here are some tips for remaining upbeat:

  • Avoid grumps and whiners. They will only make you feel worse.
  • Take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise, and take time for yourself.
  • Concentrate on the things you can control, not those beyond your reach.
  • Laugh. Seek the people, reading matter, shows and activities that make you laugh.
  • Be generous with others. Be patient, helpful, forgiving, and supportive.
  • Avoid generalizations. Specific things are going wrong. Lots of them, I’ll grant you. But other things are going well.
  • Attend to your cash flow and emergency reserves.
  • Limit the amount of news you watch and file those financial statements quickly.
  • Be confident in who you are and what you have accomplished. Economic difficulties don’t change that; they only change how and when you pursue your dreams.
  • Make smart investments that position you for a strong future. Consider investing in:
    • Professional development
    • Building strong relationships with customers
    • Reconnecting with past customers
    • Getting your operational house in order
    • Clarifying your strategy
    • Facilities and equipment that may be exceptionally inexpensive right now

This too shall pass. Will you be ready?

Call us for help in making the best of current circumstances: 617-939-9654.

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