Ann Latham’s Tips for Peak Productivity – #2 Identify Concrete Next Steps

This is the second in a series of techniques to help you take control of your time, feel great about each week, and watch those weeks add up to impressive results. In my introduction to this series, I identified the two secrets to a successful week:

  1. Identify what would constitute a successful week
  2. Make it happen

This second tip is relevant to both of these.

Productivity Booster #2: Identify Concrete Next Steps
You probably have several projects underway. Have you identified the next concrete step that will move each one forward?

Big nebulous projects kill productivity. They clog To Do lists like lumps of fat clog arteries. “Launch new product,” “improve visibility,” and “reduce development costs” are prime examples of indigestible and exhausting behemoths. Stare at those for a while and you will definitely need a nap! 

But take a few minutes to brainstorm next steps and your indigestion will subside. Consider talking with others who have relevant experience. What categories are important to consider? What do you know has to occur? What don’t you know enough about? Even if your next concrete step is to identify a good resource who can help you, you at least have a next step. You are no longer tackling a monstrous and nebulous task. Any specific, concrete, next step is better than none.

Once you have several next steps that begin to come together in a logical sequence, you will feel your energy level increase. Whether you need a detailed project plan or just enough detail to keep things moving forward, the key to success is in identifying concrete steps.

To prevent cluttering or expanding your To Do list, keep each project-specific list of next steps in the appropriate project file. Your To Do list should only contain the one or two concrete steps that you plan to complete that week or that day.

Focus on identifying concrete next steps for all of your projects and you will also find it easier to identify what will constitute a successful week. As a bonus, you will dramatically increase the odds that you will make each next step happen. Specific, tangible, believable steps are easily and energetically conquered while huge, nebulous projects can only weigh heavily on your mind, body, and soul.

Stay tuned for more of Ann Latham’s Tips for Peak Productivity!

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