3 Questions that Will Make You Luckier

We arrived early to make first tracks in the fresh powder. The snow has Plan B w/ Laptop in Chaletbeen so fabulous this year that we’ve become completely spoiled.

But not so spoiled that we were unprepared for disappointing conditions!

After one run, I’m back in the lodge waiting for the sun to climb higher and soften the snow. In the meantime, I can answer emails, write a blog post, and make a few calls. Instead of feeling disappointed, I seize the opportunity to get some things accomplished.

Business, and life, rarely go as planned. To increase your odds of success, prepare for those disappointing conditions.

Is your business overly dependent on a single individual, vendor, facility, or condition? Do your plans involve many unknowns or interdependencies? Are you relying on luck and people outside your control? 

If so, that’s like going skiing without even checking the weather. You are courting disaster!

To improve your odds of success, consider both the likelihood and seriousness of potential problems.

  1. What could go wrong?
  2. What can you do to reduce the likelihood of the most likely problems?
  3. What can you do to reduce the seriousness of the most serious problems?

Any problem that is both likely and serious obviously deserves your most serious attention!

A bad day on the slopes is no big deal, and yet I was prepared to make it a good day regardless of conditions. Those who prepare for bad luck are always the luckiest!

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